
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ever heard of American Slang? Day 1

Airhead Definition: Someone who isn't very smart; a stupid person Example; Shola and John are such airheads - they love sports but they are failing all of their classes at school! I wouldn't dare ask Eniola for an answer - she is an airhead. Etymology: If your head is filled with air instead of brains, you probably can't think very well. Synonyms: Ditz

How about egg muffin for breakfast??

Ingredients: Eggs, spinach, bacon, and cheese... Preparations: Break the eggs into a blender or a plate and blend or whisk with spinach, bacon and cheese thoroughly, then pour the mixture into muffin tins. Bake for 15-20 minutes before serve. How do you like your muffin served hot or cold? Photo credit: great tist

How well do you know your dictionary?? Day 1

Ort Noun (awrt) Meaning: a scrap or morsel of food left at a meal. Usually,  orts Quotes ... the poor thought that the rich were entirely in the right of it to lead a jolly life; besides, their feasting caused a multiplication of  orts , which were the heirlooms of the poor. -- George Eliot,  Silas Marner , 1861 ORIGIN Ort  entered English in the 1400s. Low German  ort  and early Dutch  oorete  are cognates Throttlebottom Noun (THROT-l-bot-uh m) Meaning: (sometimes  lowercase ) a harmless incompetent in public office Quotes If there was one function that any vice president, even a  Throttlebottom , could be expected to perform it was to represent the president and the country at funerals of notables abroad. -- Carl Solberg,  Hubert Humphrey: A Biography , 1984 ORIGIN The term  Throttlebottom  was formed after the character Alexander Throttlebottom in the musical comedy  Of Thee I Sing  (1932)